Hospital Department

Welcome to the hospital department
We are happy that you are with us!
We know that you might be scared when you come to our hospital, but don’t worry, we are an international team that wants to help you live a better life.
We will do everything we can to make sure you can do everything you want to do again.
Our team is very well trained and has many years of experience.
That’s why you’re in the best hands with us.
We have an intensive care unit.
a pediatric ward that is equipped for children
a dental clinic
an eye clinic
an X-ray department and a laboratory
There are also operating theaters and normal wards where you will stay for 2-3 days on average.
People all over the world have a right to medical help
but they don’t get it because in some countries there is no health insurance.
For this reason, Point of Difference has decided to help people all over the world to solve this problem.